2017 – 2019
Development of a Risk Analytics System for the Thai economy to provide government agencies and financial institutions with inputs for risk macroeconomic and entity risk management. This involves the use of R codes in Oracle to create an automated system where results are automatically generated and displayed after a month batch entry of data update. The results can be purchased online or by subscription.

2013 – 2016
Comprehensive risk management and IT advisory covering policies, Standard Operating Procedures, rating models and systems, staffing, training, knowledge transfer and knowledge base creation, software acquisition RFP, POC and UAT, all with documentation. All these were part of helping the bank to execute their transformation process when recovering from the Global Financial Crisis. An integrated consultancy of Risk Management and IT was provided when the proposal by the overall transformation consultant was for two separate specialists.

Creation of top-down stressing testing model and system.
Development of metrics for Basel II liquidity measurements. SBI was advised on statistical measurements like Coefficient of Variation to determined the volatility of specific cash flow streams.

2012 – 2013
Development of an internal rating system for credit card customers to replace outdated scoring system. The Weight of Evidence approach was employed to create Point In Time (PIT) models while a heuristic using Days Past Due (DPD) was developed to update credit ratings. The project was later published as Risk Rating in Asian Banks, a chapter in Handbook of Asian Finance, Volume 1.

Creation of a Basel II Internal Rating Based compliance inspection manual under a World Bank Grant plus training of bank examiners on implementation including the use of T-SQL to extract original data for audit and analysis.

Data audit for Basel II compliance covering levels of adequacy, validity, reliability and outdatedness. Documentation and knowledge transfer of Extraction, Transfer and Load were included.

Development of consumer credit model. The Logistic Regression was employed and bank staff were educated on the costs of Type I and Type II errors in credit application decision-making.

Assessment of data warehousing adequacy for risk management solution.